Red Snappers are a system to load quilt tops and backs on machine quilting frames without using pins, zippers or Velcro.
This rod and clamp system is available to fit 10', 12' and 14' quilting frames. The set has rods and clamps designed to fit on three rollers. It eliminates the need for pins, staples, Velcro, zippers or basting. Quilt tops and backs are placed over the rod (inside a casing of the canvas leader) and the clamp is "snapped" down to hold the fabric securely. Red Snappers are sold with a 30 day unconditional guarantee. If you don't like the way they work...return them for your money back. Make sure to specify your quilting frame length. Red Snappers are developed with Clip-n-Seal a patent pending design.
10' set is actually 114"
12' set is actually 132"
14' set is actually 144"
This is to accommodate the width of the carriage, machine handles and pole configurations of different machines.
These lengths will take into account the size of your leader and handlebars that limit you from quilting the entire length of the quilt frame. Choose the correct TABLE size, not the length of clamps.